EU외교장관회의, 인도·태평양 협력에 관한 EU 전략(210421)
2021.05.11 by gino's
푸틴 2021 러시아 연방의회 국정연설(0421)
2021.04.28 by gino's
Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry Media Roundtable(210418, 서울)
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바이든-스가 첫 정상회담 공동성명+기자회견+CoRe partnership fact sheet(210416)
2021.04.19 by gino's
미국 상원 외교위 The Strategic Competition Act of 2021
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Global Trend 2040
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미국 DNI 2021연례위협보고서(0413)
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Quad 정상회의 공동성명(“The Spirit of the Quad”)+4개국 정상 발언록+Fact sheet+기자회견(210312)
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