존 F. 케네디 취임사
2025.01.23 by gino's
푸틴 취임연설(0507)+승전일 기념연설(0509)
2024.05.10 by gino's
마크롱 소르본 연설 Initiative for Europe Speech M. Macron(0425)
2024.04.29 by gino's
The State of the Union, 2015
2015.01.26 by gino's
State of the Union Address, 2015
2015.01.21 by gino's
State of The Union Address, 2014
2014.01.29 by gino's
Obama 2nd Inaugural Address
2013.01.22 by gino's
2012, 안철수의 연설 2제
2012.11.25 by gino's